Standard addition method
Now is the time of the quarter at which I begin the slow decline into despondence. I was on a really good streak up until recently, feeling all effective and productive in my multitasking existence. I just really dislike the feeling of spinning my wheels, or wasting effort in general. Someday I will move past my deep-seated habit of linking my self-worth directly to efficiency.
Something I suppose I should be happy about, however, is all the wonderful music I've been listening to lately. Some old albums, some new ones, all good ones. I went through this period (is two years really a period?) where I was sort of just hanging out inside my late-90s-indie-pop-loving turtle shell, clutching copies of Very Emergency and Left and Leaving and generally living in fear of the sounds drifting in from outside. Consequently, I missed a lot.
Also, God bless Arrested Development. I've watched every episode more times than I can count and I still love it so very, very much. Hi-larious.
Something I suppose I should be happy about, however, is all the wonderful music I've been listening to lately. Some old albums, some new ones, all good ones. I went through this period (is two years really a period?) where I was sort of just hanging out inside my late-90s-indie-pop-loving turtle shell, clutching copies of Very Emergency and Left and Leaving and generally living in fear of the sounds drifting in from outside. Consequently, I missed a lot.
Also, God bless Arrested Development. I've watched every episode more times than I can count and I still love it so very, very much. Hi-larious.