Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy holidays from the future

You know, since I'm almost a full day ahead of Seattle time while I'm down here.

Our flight out to WAIS has been rescheduled for Wednesday (the 28th). I think we're all getting pretty excited.

The 23rd was McMurdo's town Christmas party, held at the Vehicle Maintenance Facility. There were a ton of people there, and it was a lot of fun. I totally got my picture taken with Santa on a snowmobile. Last night (Christmas Eve) we had Christmas dinner, which was wonderful. I miss home, but Christmas in Mactown has been pretty fun.

I hope everyone enjoys their time off of school (or work) and gets to have a relaxing (and safe) holiday. I might upload some more photos, but my next update (knock on wood) won't be until we get to WAIS, so until then!


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